Pig Roast 2009
From Makers Local 256
[hide]Event Recap \ Lessons Learned
- Making a breakfast and energy drink run for the early morning volunteers started the day off right.
- Needed to find a place to defrost the pig in between when it was picked up and brought to the event. Ended up using Preaux's bathtub
- Time was needed to inject the pig with spices and marinades
- Time to cook the pig took closer to 8 hours, roughly two more than we were expecting for a 50lb pig
- Pig needed to be closer to the fire
- We ended up building a hut around the pig out of extra lumber, covered in aluminum foil to reflect the heat back into the hut.
- Having a second main food item really helped with easing people's hunger during the cooking time.
- The main drink was Ice Tea. We had five medium size bags of ice purchased for the event, only needed about two to three.
- Could have had more change on hand before the event. It worked out alright, but there were moments when we had to ask people to wait on us to make change.
- Event cost roughly $180 to put on, with a $150 pig. Event brought in $545, a net of about $388. About $75 of that was reimbursable seed money that was donated after the event.
- In the event of motor failure on the rotisserie, you can just turn the pig every 30 minutes
- a sprayer to keep the pig moisturized was a great tool to have on hand
Basic Event Information
- Name: "Geek Eats: Pig Roast"
- Organizer\POC: Omegix 11:03, 8 December 2009 (CST)
- Date: 11/20
- Time: 1PM
- Location: Make Shop
- Cost to Attend: $10 / person, or $15 for two people.
- Silent Auction
- Flier for Pig Roast: File:Pigroast.pdf
We gunna roast a pig! Mardis Gras Theme. Alii is organizing a silent auction for the event!
Planned Food
- Roasted Pig
- Jambalaya
- Sweet and Unsweet Tea ~ Alii will brew Sweet and Unsweet tea the day of the event.
- Ice - Bender bringing ice
- Ice Chest (jeff will give to Bender)
- coolers with spickets (brian will bring)
Pot Luck Noms
- Beans (Spacefelix can get some)
- Potato Salad (Spacefelix can get some)
- Jambalaya (Preaux can get access to propane burner and pot)
- Alii will make bananas foster on site.
- MrWorld will bring sweet potatoes
- Ratmandu will bring horse pop
Prep Work
- Gotta setup rotisserie
- Pit is now assembled at the make shop.
- Pit has to be covered by a metal grate in order to abide by city laws
- Testing rotisserie at Chicken Roast
- Pit is now assembled at the make shop.
- Hook up motor to automate rotisserie
- Preaux welded together the first half of the Rotisserie on 1/21/09
- First rotisserie meetup is for 1/23/2010
- Need to build pit (Preaux recommends having this built two weeks before event: 2/7/09)
- Need to purchase charcoal
- Need to check with the Health Department about serving food (Done we are good to go. 1/28/09 -Alii)
- Omegix
- Preauxphoto
- Spacefelix
- Alii
- MrWorld
- Ratmandu
- Opticron
- Your name here!
Silent Auction Donations
Alii is organizing a Silent Auction fundraiser
- Jayne Hat -Alii's friend Laurie
- Something knitted by Alii, suggestions welcome.
- How about this?
- Items off of salvage, refurbs, repairs, scrap parts, etc.
- Your donation here
Open House Activities
- MrWorld is engraving and screen printing
- Crashcart says the photobooth is working and available
- Gregabyte can show off the cooler/drink dispenser rig
- Your name / project / demo / talk here!
Pig Preparers: Feb 19th, 7PM
- Omegix
- Preauxphoto
- Your name here!
Pig Preparers: Feb 20th, 6AM
(please note the time, that's six in the morning)
- Omegix
- Preauxphoto
- Opticron
- Your name here!
Hope is that we can get everything set up the night before, and the morning is just throw a match on the charcoal and put on some pig.
- MrWorld has created a flier for the event. File:Pigroast.pdf Omegix 09:50, 4 February 2010 (CST)
- Preauxphoto and Ratmandu have built the spit for the pig, as well as the A-frames to rest it on ~Jan 22, Jan 23
- Omegix, MrWorld, Brimstone, and Ratmandu have obtained bricks for the pit ~Jan 23
- Pig (Preaux can get a 40-50lb pig for about $150. Needs the money by the day-before, so probably going to get him cash by Feb 13th.)
- Preaux got the meats contact to Omegix (Rocket City Meats). Omegix has reserved a 50lb frozen pig for $150 (After tax). Preaux to pick up on the 17th. They need to be called the morning of to setup a pickup time before 4:30pm
- Jeff has covered $50 up front costs for the pig. Need to cover an additional $50
- Brian has covered $50 up front costs for the pig.
- Opticron has covered $50 up front costs for the pig.
- Preaux has is arranging transport of pig to the event.
- Preaux has built a rotisserie
- Charcoal $35 (The cheap stuff from Publix is $7 / 10lb bag)
- gregabyte will bring 20lbs of charcoal
- need sponsor for remaing 30lbs - Spacefelix will buy from Home Depot with lighter fluid
- Hickory - BrokenTrace will bring some hickory logs. If all else fails, get hickory charcoal from Publix.
- if you can supply any of these items please do so
- Meat Thermometer to ensure 170º Internal Temperature
- " Burn Barrel" container to start coals in AKA. metal 5gal bucket
- Chicken wire for tying pig to rotisserie spit. (we have this at the shop)
- Charcoal (10lbs of charcoal per hour of cooking. 1 hour of cooking per 10lbs of pig. So 50lb pig will require 50lb of charcoal. $35 of charcoal from publix will do the trick)
- IRC Channel Topic
- Public Service Announcement submitted to NPR Omegix 12:25, 4 February 2010 (CST)
- Facebook Event - Omegix 01:12, 5 February 2010 (CST)
- Web Page - Omegix 01:12, 5 February 2010 (CST)
- Phone call to Huntsville Times informing them of event, inviting them to attend - MrWorld
- General List - jeff contacted
- News Paper - Brian contacted
- Fliers
- Bandito - jeff put up
(Anything in here needs a volunteer associated, or we can assume it won't be done)
- Fliers - MrWorld has created flier. Now to hangs them up.
- Monkey - brian to hang
- Olde Towne - Alii to hang
- Kenny Mangos - benelene to hang
- Atlanta Bread
- Panera Break - Alii to hang