NFC Enabled Maker Pin Purchase

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Order Requests

Please use spreadsheet to place orders:

Orders Made Before Spreadsheet

  • Dmitry: 10 (paid 2016.02.18, Jeff owes Dmitry $2)
  • Travis: 10
  • Jeff: 10
  • Norm: 10
  • Wes: 1
  • Chris B. : 10

Email Sent to Announce List

TL;DR: Would you like to order a Makers Local NFC Enabled Button for $1.50 ?

Hi Makers! There's a startup from fellow maker and UAH alumnus Nick Hanson to create and sell NFC enabled buttons, and web services linked to by the NFC buttons.

I used one last night and loved the concept. When I put the button near the back of my phone, it took me to the website.

The buttons cost about $1.50 each, for orders under 500 buttons.

I'm going to order a specialized run of 25 of them for the 2016 Pig Roast (July), and give them away to guests donating an extra $3 at the pig roast event.

The button would take them to a webpage hosted by makerslocal. Nick's group offers hosting, but this would be easiest on us to manage.

  • Before the event the web page would display the date of the 2016 Pig Roast.
  • At the event, the web page would display our schedule of the day's events, which typically includes at least a Pig Roast and a LAN Party.
  • After the event, the web page would display the date of the next pig roast.

Before the pig roast order, would anyone be interested in ordering a button that has the Makers Local logo on it? The NFC tag would come programmed to take you to the website, but it's also a re-writable tag, so you can put whatever you like on it using your NFC enabled smartphone. The buttons cost $1.50 to make, and this is to promote the shop so they're being sold at Cost-To-Makerslocal ($1.50).

Reply to this email and let me know! I'm going to order 10 of them myself to give out to people and advertise the make shop.

  • Q1) I could make this!
  • A1) Hell yeah you could! Or you could spend $2 and have one now. Or you could spend $50+ in equipment and materials and your free time to give away buttons to your friends for free. Hey what ever happened with that novel you always planned on writing?
  • Q2) Can I use this to get into the shop and purchase drinks from CASCADE?
  • A2) Yep! Just coordinate with the admins to add your new NFC tag, or replace the tag you currently have in the maker system.
  • Q3) How would I get my button?
  • A3) You'd pick them up from the treasurer. You can also get non-button NFC tags from the treasurer for $1 if you need them for a project.

Happy Making!